FROM Chair of the Board


Changeover 22 June 2023


The first year out of COVID was difficult for the Club. We had lost a lot of momentum and members’ jobs were changing drastically which caused interruptions to plans for community

Importantly, the annual STOMP dance event at the Albert Hall which had raised tens of thousands of dollars since 2003 for projects in Canberra and other states could not re-start as the dance Schools which had previously been the main support for the dance events, had collapsed during COVID and did not re-open. 

The Candle festival in Canberra Nara Peace Park restarted in October 2022 at a smaller scale. Fortunately Ross introduced us to other opportunities, such as the Parking supervision at the Canberra Show, which had a surprisingly good result.  So our fundraising was severely curtailed.

We lost many good Rotarians through the year for a variety of reason. Our membership development is now a priority as the core group of 15 or so is too few to take on all the projects we all dearly want to continue.

Our President Andrea toiled hard to balance her Rotary duties with an increasing responsibility towards her elderly father who lives in Adelaide. Andrea final left the Presidency in May and we wish her all the best in the challenging time ahead. We look forward to her bright demeanor returning to Rotary when the time is right. 


So here are some of the important Director’s reports for 2022/23. 

Together, we will aim for the stars and do better in 2023/24.

Bill Andrews

Acting Chair of Board.