Indigenous Projects Report 2022–2023
Our club maintains two registered Charities for Indigenous projects
The first is for Education support scholarships, and the second is for Environment projects.
For several years and again this year we have awarded $2000 for scholarships at the Hay War Memorial High School, NSW. We have a strong association with that school which incidentally also has a Rotary Peace Pole. Anne MacNally who is the Careers Advisor at the school carefully administers the scholarships for educational expenses.
This year the scholarships have been awarded to Hayley (Year 8), Anthony (Year (), Sean (Year 11) and Indyanna (Year 11). We will receive a report at the end of the year as to their progress.
George Wilson has worked tirelessly with the Ngiyamaa Wangaaypuwan community at Mawonga IPA near Hillston NSW, to develop a plan of management to improve the environment on their lands. These efforts have been fruitless and so we will not pursue this project in 2023–2024.
Because of limited resources in the Club next year we will focus on the Education projects. George will pursue all environmental improvement projects in a separate committee.
Bill Andrews PP.