Meeting invitations
Ross will be away on holidays until the end of May 2024. While he is away Eric Carmody will be sending out the meeting invitations.
Please respond promptly to Eric's invitations, to make his job a little easier, however if you do need to contact him his email is: and his mobile number is
0407 221 145.
While Ross is away, he will be travelling in remote areas of WA and will not always have phone access, so be warned if you contact Ross, your request WILL NOT be passed on to Eric.
Duty Roster
23 May
30 May
6 June
Social meeting
Ross and Eric
Open meeting; introduce President; and Toast to Rotary
George Wilson
Social meeting
John Little
Russell Dew
Thank speaker and write up for Bulletin
Michael Rabey
Social meeting
Stephen McMillan
Astrida Upitis
If you are not able to perform your allocated duty, please arrange a replacement and advise President Warrick. Please advise Stephen of any planned absences to avoid being rostered on while away.
News on the Run:
Duty Roster:
July 14th
Watch this space
Commonwealth Club
Ross Brown
Thank Speaker and Notes
Sally Goodspeed
If you are unable to attend on a day you are rostered please organise a replacement.
The notes should summarise the speaker's main points and be sent to the editor for inclusion in next week's News Notes.
Upcoming Speakers:
21 July,
Krista Vane-Tempest will present on Edith Blakes War – and her book in which she traces Edith’s story from training in Sydney to her war service in the Middle East and the Mediterranean; her conflicted feelings about nursing German prisoners of war as German aircraft bombed England, to her death in waters where Germany had promised the safe passage of hospital ships.
Mini Stomp Meeting:
For those attending it will be held on;
Wed 20th July 6:00PM
Deakin Soccer Club
Grose St Deakin
We can get some ideas flowing please join us there. Up for discussion is
Dance Clubs
These will all be on the casual agenda. We are after ideas rather than solutions at this point.
An act of kindness:
Hugh Mackay’s talk on The Kindness Revolution reminded me of a recent incident.
While staying with my sister in Millicent, South Australia, she wished to move an item of furniture. Unfortunately, the tyres on her trolley were flat, and she didn’t have a pump. Rather than buy a new one, I went to one of the op shops in Millicent (it has four – a treasure hunter’s delight) and asked the man behind the counter if they had any pumps for sale. He said they didn’t, and then told me a story about a bicycle he used to have, concluding with “I have two pumps at home and I’ll being one in for you tomorrow”.
He said it would be a gift. So the next day I collected it, grateful for this act of kindness.
Stephen McMillan
Here is a movie that just highlights the experience of Stephen and his situation. I personally have seen this in the past and it is a very pertinent film. Everyone can become blase of things but a little kindness can go a long way. I urge you if you haven't seen it to do so. You can be surprised of where a little kindness can go. - Editor Marcel.

Late News:
Learning from the Bees - Rotary Club of Sydney
This evening we attended a seminar from the Rotary Club of Sydney - the Climate Action Group. The seminar went for an hour and highlighted the plight of the Bee in Australia.
We had speakers form the ACT - Julie Armstrong and Lucy Hobgood - Brown from Sydney who spoke on the plight of the bee and how we as individuals can help their cause. Some facts:
- Bees provide Food Security
- Bees provide Biodiversity
- and they provide Eco system Health
In the ACT alone we have between 150 - 200 species of Bee. There are approximately 2000 species Australia wide. 2/3 of the agriculture in Australia currently are dependent on bees. Some species such as Almonds and other crops are 100% dependent on pollination by bees.
Australian native bees have a foraging range of 500m, which means that we all must ensure that our gardens are planted with native Australian plants and herbs such as Borage, Rosemary and perennial Oregano as suggestions.
It has been recommended that we can all help out by making bee friendly gardens, and by building Bee hotels. As an example there are bee hives on top of Parliament house. Hint for Community Service.
There were also specific mentions of the Rotary Club of Hall for assisting in building a Bee Corridor between Victoria, the ACT and New South Wales.
- Editor Sharon Green and Marcel.
From the Editor:
Well folks this is Marcel signing off again, great to drop in for a few ad hoc Bulletins. I will leave you in the capable hands of Robert for the up coming editions.
I will be doing some exploring in the NSW and Victorian High country, hopefully seeing some bees and trout in the process. I leave you with some of the locations and mode of transport. I hope the world can make it a safe place for bees and humans and we can all learn to live together.
Pets of Rotary RCCBG:
For those who guessed it was Linda Wilkinson's Pet Toby.
just click on the above email to send Robert a message.