Next meeting
On Thursday, 9 May, we meet on Zoom and will hear from David Annear from the Rotary Club of West Tamar Tasmania. He will speak about the Windeward Bound Tall Sailing Ship. This is the sailing ship that takes young people for training trips. The ship has Peace Pole attached to the mast. There is no meeting at the Commonwealth Club.
Michael will kindly open the Zoom link at noon for informal interaction ahead of the formal meeting start at 12:30 pm. The link for the meeting is: (Meeting ID: 820 3545 7730.)
Advance notice
On 16 May 2024 we will hear from Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, a Palestinian Christian biologist from Bethlehem. He and his wife, Jessie, who is a Chinese-American citizen are on a tour of Australia and New Zealand.
Mazin is President of the Rotary Club of Bethlehem and will speak about their positive work in areas of environment and health while situated in an unstable region as Palestinians and Israelis struggle for peaceful co-existence.
Mazin is also founder and volunteer director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University ( He has overseen several projects ranging from formulating the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to environmental and climate justice and empowerment projects with farmers, women, and children that benefited tens of thousands.
A good turnout with guests in this extraordinary time would seem appropriate to hear from someone with firsthand experience.
Further details of the Club’s forward program are on this
Google page.
George Wilson
Meeting invitations
Ross will be away on holidays until the end of May 2024. While he is away Eric Carmody will be sending out the meeting invitations.
Please respond promptly to Eric's invitations, to make his job a little easier, however if you do need to contact him his email is: and his mobile number is
0407 221 145.
While Ross is away, he will be travelling in remote areas of WA and will not always have phone access, so be warned if you contact Ross, your request WILL NOT be passed on to Eric.
Duty Roster
9 May
16 May
23 May
30 May
Social meeting
Open meeting; introduce President; and Toast to Rotary
Juris Jakovics
George Wilson
Social meeting
John Little
Thank speaker and write up for Bulletin
Bill Andrews
Michael Rabey
Social meeting
Stephen McMillan
If you are not able to perform your allocated duty, please arrange a replacement and advise President Warrick. Please advise Stephen of any planned absences to avoid being rostered on while away.
Text of email from District Governor Andrea:
Rotary: Seeking Interest in A Possible Shared Office Holders Model for Clubs
The purpose of this email is to canvass interest from clubs to find out about a shared club officers model that may be a solution for clubs having difficulty finding people to take on essential club roles. *This is not related to the Regionalisation Pilot.*
A zoom meeting for those interested will be held on Thursday 9th May at 7.00pm.
District 9705 is looking at the feasibility of introducing an optional new "chapter" model where a group of clubs can merge into a new club and share office bearers and administrative tasks while retaining their own identity, finances, activities and presence in their community.
The zoom meeting on 9th May is to gauge whether there is interest in implementing such a model in our District and to talk about how it might work.
Some clubs in the District are finding it harder to fill the mandatory club positions: President, Secretary and Treasurer. As a result, a number of clubs have folded in recent years and some existing clubs are considering whether they have a future.
In most cases, club members want to remain part of Rotary and keep serving their communities as they've always done. They want to maintain the friendships and social connection of being in a Rotary club. But they don't want, or aren't in a position to take on the role of President, Secretary or Treasurer. If there are no office holders, the club can't continue.
Losing a Rotary club is not only bad news for the members, it can also be detrimental to the community. This is especially so in small towns where the Rotary club is an important part of the social fabric.
A Possible Solution
A new model has been implemented in New Zealand where a group of clubs have merged into one new club with one President, one Secretary, one Treasurer, etc. Unlike traditional club mergers, in this model each club continues as a "chapter" of the new club. They retain their identity in the community, being known as "(Current Name) Rotary, a Chapter of the Rotary Club of (Umbrella club)". Importantly, each club keeps its bank accounts and financial independence.
The new umbrella club must of course have a President, Secretary and Treasurer who are willing to take responsibility for the administration of the club and all of its Chapters. If there is interest in participating in this type of model, the District team will help with the establishment of the new club as much as we can.
There are quite a few administrative and legal details that will need to be worked out with Rotary International and the state/territory authorities before we can proceed.
At this stage we just want to gauge interest from clubs in possibly taking part in a new club model - especially as an alternative to closing.
NB: We know that this model will not apply to most clubs in the District.
A zoom meeting will be held on Thursday 9th May at 7.00pm for representatives of interested clubs. Please let me know by email to if your club would be interested in learning more about this model, and if you or someone from your club can attend the zoom meeting. We will circulate the zoom link prior to the meeting.
I'm happy to provide more general information or take questions by email if you can't make the meeting.
District Governor Andrea
District Changeover: Young, 22 June
An email has gone to all Rotarians in the District inviting them to the District Changeover, to be held in Young on 22 June. Please email Stephen if you didn’t receive the invitation.
More training needed!