In the first full year of his Presidency, President Bruce Timbs inducted PDG Jack Olsen from the Canberra Club, our sponsor, as an Honorary Member in recognition of his work in establishing the Club. We learned for the first time about the Life Education Centre, met its Educators, and had dinner at the Centre as a Club meeting one night. We continued supporting the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, RYLA, and RYPEN schemes. We were introduced to the Rotary International Youth Exchange Scheme and were the sponsoring Club for Miss Kiraly Southern, who travelled to Tokyo, Japan for one year.

In addition, we made the following contributions: Polio Plus Campaign $1,682.00 (became Polio Plus 100% Club)
Australian Rotary Health Research Foundation $200.00
National Science Summer School Student Nominee $200.00
Life Education Centre $500.00
Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund $500.00
Rotary Foundation $200.00